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How to Get Rid of Roaches Without an Exterminator: A Step by Step Guide

August 29, 2019 Vinx Pest Control blog
How to Get Rid of Roaches Without an Exterminator: A Step by Step Guide

How to Get Rid of Roaches Without an Exterminator: A Step by Step Guide

Cockroaches. Even the word causes you to itch and shiver with disgust. We’ve been there, and we don’t like cockroaches any more than you do! But, if you’re not ready to call a pest control company, there are a few tips we can share with you. If you need to know how to get rid of roaches without an exterminator, we have the ultimate guide. There are a few things you can do to get rid of roaches. While roaches can be especially hard pests to get rid of, with a few tries, you can successfully get rid of them without calling out an exterminator. 

The best home remedies to get rid of roaches without an exterminator are boric acid, diatomaceous earth, and baking soda. Once you do these remedies, you need to clean your home and prevent the roaches from coming back and causing more problems for you and your family! Before we get into the instructions for applying these home remedies, let’s answer a few questions. But before we do that, if you live in the Dallas, TX, Charleston, or Greenville, SC areas, and you’d like to hire a pest control professional to get rid of your cockroaches, you can click here to see pricing or fill out the form at the bottom of the page. 

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What attracts roaches?

If you have cockroaches, you may think that your home is dirty. However, that isn’t the truth, especially if you live in Texas or South Carolina! Both states are full of cockroaches because they love the humidity. And, everything is humid in Texas and South Carolina. Cockroaches love the moisture. Whether it’s an annoying leaky pipe or a wet bathmat, it’s paradise as far as cockroaches are concerned. 

But, if you don’t have anything wet in your home, that doesn’t mean you’re immune to cockroaches. They love your trash, dirty dishes, food left on the counter, and crumbs. Have kids? That pretty much means you’re running a cockroach hotel! They love cleaning up after your children, but unlike your dog, they are vile and not welcome in the house. 

What do roaches eat?

To make matters worse, cockroaches aren’t picky with what they eat. They are omnivorous scavengers, which means they will pretty much eat anything and everything. While they’d prefer sugary sweets, they’ll even eat hair, books, or other items that are decaying. They’ll happily eat meat, sugar, and carbs. 

While this all sounds pretty discouraging, they aren’t immune. While these pests are fairly resilient, that doesn’t mean you have to live the rest of your life with them. These creepy pests can be killed.

How long can roaches live without food?

Cockroaches are a little like us. They can survive a lot longer without food than they can without water. That’s why they love moisture and water so much. However, it’s not very good news for you. Even if you’re determined to keep the food out of the way of cockroaches, vacuuming crumbs and putting all food and dishes away, it still may not be enough. Cockroaches can survive for up to a month without food, which means they can be hiding in your home without you realizing for much longer than you think!

Where do roaches hide?

Roaches love the dark. Because of this, they can be a little difficult to find sometimes. They will usually hide in places that are dark and moist. Common hiding spots for roaches include in cabinets, behind the fridge, sink, and stove, inside of your car or appliances, and anywhere else in the home that is usually dark and damp, like the laundry room.

Do roaches carry diseases?

The biggest concern with roaches is that they are dirty and carry diseases. Unfortunately, this is true. They can spread salmonella and gastroenteritis. Take it from us—you don’t want to end up on the opposite end of these diseases! They can be extremely damaging to your health and can even end in death. 

Beyond that, cockroaches also cause allergies. Many people are allergic and don’t know what they’re allergic to until they find the cockroaches in their home. They eat molds and bacteria, so it’s not that surprising that they can spread some pretty nasty stuff to you and your family. To keep yourselves safe, you should get rid of the cockroaches as soon as you see them. 

What do roach eggs look like?

Cockroach eggs look like cylindrical brown spots. The red-brown of the eggs are glued down with a sticky substance that the cockroach forms before they lay them on the floor. Usually, cockroach eggs are in a small grouping of around 20 eggs. They are fairly small, and the problem is that they are only laid 24 hours before they hatch. That means they are incredibly hard to find! If you do find them, it’s a good sign that you have an infestation in your home. 

What do baby roaches look like?

Baby roaches can be a little misleading. Since they don’t look like adult cockroaches, they can be easily mistaken as something else. These baby cockroaches are white and gray, so they don’t look like cockroaches until they get a bit bigger. Unlike the adults, there are no wings on their body. They are also a bit smaller and wider than the long, skinny bodies of many roaches.

Can roaches bite?

Most people think that although cockroaches are creepy, they are harmless. Unfortunately, that’s not true! Cockroaches have actually been known to nibble on human flesh—both living and dead. While they may first take a bite of your nails or eyelashes, or possibly the dry skin on your hands and feet, they will still bite. Their bites can cause some pretty bad irritation and it can be hard to pinpoint whether a bite is a cockroach bite or not unless you see cockroaches around the house.

What do roach bites look like?

Cockroach bites actually look pretty similar to bed bug bites, but they won’t be in a group. If you find a bright red and round bite on you that is by itself, there is a chance it could be a cockroach bite. Your skin will swell up and get pretty itchy, and there may be a hard lump feeling within the bite.

How To Get Rid Of Roaches

How to get rid of cockroaches without an exterminator

Now that we’ve got you itching like crazy, it’s time to talk about how to use the three cockroach home remedies to kiss those cockroaches goodbye for good. Cockroaches can cause a multitude of problems, and we want to help you get rid of them. The three products you’ll need are boric acid, baking soda, and diatomaceous earth.

Whether you’re looking at how to get rid of roaches in a car or a home, these methods should help to kill and deter them. Of course, once the roaches are gone, you then have to continue the fourth method: prevention. While nothing is full-proof, these are three surefire ways to get rid of those nasty critters. That’s why this is the ultimate guide on how to get rid of roaches without an exterminator. 

Boric acid

The first method that most people start with is boric acid. Boric acid is often confused with borax. If you need to know how to get rid of roaches with borax, you can follow the same instructions as boric acid. While both borax and boric acid will work, boric acid is by far superior to borax. However, borax is safer for families with pets and children that have a chance of getting into the substance. Boric acid is a powder that will damage a cockroach’s exoskeleton. If they ingest boric acid, it will also affect their digestive system and cause their stomach to expand. 

The best course of action when applying boric acid is to apply it in a thin layer where the roaches are seen. If you apply the powder too thickly, the cockroaches won’t come near it. It should be just a fine dusting that they won’t be able to see. However, if you also want them to ingest it, the best thing to do is to mix boric acid and flour together with a little bit of honey to form a dough. Then, use small pieces of this dough as pieces of bait around your home. Remember, boric acid shouldn’t be ingested orally by humans or animals, so stick with this method if you don’t have kids or pets. 

Unfortunately, this is the best way to get rid of the cockroaches. So, for those with kids and pets, try to use boric acid in areas where they can’t access it (like behind the fridge and appliances) and then use one of the other home methods around the home. 

Baking soda

It seems like baking soda can be used for anything and everything, and that rings true when it comes to cockroaches as well. Baking soda is a great way to get rid of cockroaches while being completely safe to your family and furry loved ones. Unlike boric acid, this doesn’t need to be a fine dusting for cockroaches to eat it. In fact, all you have to do is mix some baking soda with sugar to get the perfect cockroach killer.

Mix baking soda with equal parts sugar and sprinkle it around where the cockroaches are most active. Some people like to put this mixture in a small lid, so it doesn’t get all over your floor. Either way, the cockroaches are going to come in and munch on the sugar, which also makes them ingest baking soda.

Baking soda works to kill cockroaches because it reacts with their stomach acids. This makes the stomach expand until it explodes, killing the cockroach. And since cockroaches usually eat the members of their community that die, this will help kill even the cockroaches that stay away from the sugar.

Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth may be the most unfamiliar substance on this list of home remedies, but it’s also one of the most effective ways to get rid of roaches without an exterminator. Diatomaceous earth is mined from lakes, rivers, and ocean sediment. This sediment contains very fine particles that are damaging to the exoskeletons of cockroaches. However, it is completely non-toxic to humans, so you don’t have to worry about your pets and little humans getting into it.

You may have to order diatomaceous earth online or find it in a specialty store, but it’s worth it. If you want to get rid of the cockroaches in your house or car, find where they are most active. Then, sprinkle the diatomaceous earth in a fine layer. It doesn’t need to be as fine as the boric acid, but it still shouldn’t be a thick layer. 

It’s best to reapply the diatomaceous earth every day until all the cockroaches are dead. This may take a few weeks, and some cockroaches are more resilient than others. Keep at it, and there should be a definite improvement.


Whether you’re currently dealing with cockroaches or you just finished your home remedies, you have to learn that prevention is the best way to stop a cockroach infestation. Cockroaches reproduce very quickly, so to stay ahead of the, don’t let them in! It can be easier said than done since many people feel as if cockroaches are impossible to get rid of. However, once it is done, you want it to stay that way. To prevent cockroaches from coming into your home, follow these tips:

  • Store all food in tight containers and don’t leave any food out 
  • Clean up in the kitchen
  • Seal your trashcans
  • Rinse your glass and plastic before recycling
  • Remove old or decaying items, even if they are just paper or magazines
  • Repair leaky pipes
  • Seal up your house’s cracks, holes, and gaps
  • Wipe countertops, cabinets, and appliances down on a weekly basis

Conclusion: How to get rid of roaches without an exterminator

To get rid of those pesky cockroaches, try one of the home remedies for a few weeks. You can combine the home remedies or use just one, but keep up with it and make sure that you are reapplying the bait or powder every day. 

However, if you don’t want to deal with getting rid of the cockroaches by yourself, Vinx Pest Control is here to help. In the Dallas – Fort Worth, areas, getting rid of these pests can prove to be quite a challenge, especially if you have an infestation. If you need help getting rid of the cockroaches, give us a call or fill out the form with your name and number. We’ll be happy to talk to you about what you’re seeing and how we can help you get rid of these dangerous pests for good. We service several counties in the Dallas and Fort-Worth areas, and we will make sure those cockroaches are out of your home!

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