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What Do Mouse Droppings Look Like?

What Do Mouse Droppings Look Like?

Many people stumble upon mouse droppings before they ever come across an actual mouse. So what do mouse droppings look like and what do you do once you find them? Mice are nocturnal so they do most of their scavenging through your home while you’re fast asleep. Once you notice droppings or other signs of these little unwanted guests, take immediate action. The longer mice go unnoticed, the more damage and droppings they will leave in their wake. 

What do mouse droppings look like? 

Mice droppings will obviously be small, but big enough to be quite noticeable if you know what to look for. They are typically between ⅛-¼ of an inch in size, dark brown in color, and are cylindrical in shape. Mouse poop very much resembles a grain of rice, just much darker. The darker and shinier they are, the fresher they are. The color will lighten and appear more chalky and dry the longer they have been sitting. Mice are known for depositing between 50-75 poop pellets a day. That can really add up quickly. 

How to get rid of mouse droppings 

The first thing to be aware of when removing mouse poop is that you should never handle it with bare hands. Rodents are known to carry more than 35 diseases to humans. These diseases are spread by directly handling live or dead mice or by being in contact with rodent feces, urine, or saliva through rodent bites. There are steps you can take to ensure your safety during the removal process. 

Tips to safely clean up mouse droppings 

  • Purchase a pair of nonabsorbent/latex gloves to wear during the entire clean-up process. 
  • Wear clothing that you can dispose of immediately after removal is complete. 
  • Spray the droppings and surrounding areas with a disinfecting solution and let sit for 10-12 minutes. 
  • With a disposable rag, scoop the droppings up and dispose of them in a plastic bag. Double bag the feces and immediately place it in an outside garbage can. Do not sweep or vacuum up the pellets. This is a good way to spread airborne bacteria throughout your home.
  • Thoroughly wipe down all surrounding areas with disinfecting wipes. Pay special attention to areas where the mice may have scurried across, leaving urine and other germs in a trail behind them. 

Remember that removing mouse droppings will become a common occurrence if you still have mice running wild. Take whatever measures necessary to remove the rodents as quickly as possible. You can attempt setting traps and disposing of the mice yourself, but calling in a professional pest control service to remove all mice will likely be your best bet. 


Where to look for Mouse Droppings 

Certain places in your home may be extra inviting to mice without you knowing it. Understanding where to look can be very helpful in determining how many mice you’re dealing with and the most effective way to remove them.

Mice and rats are attracted to any place in your home that has a food or water source as well as places that make it easy to remain hidden. If you suspect mice lurking, it’s a good idea to call in a professional to do a thorough inspection. Here are a few of the areas to focus on.

  • Your kitchen will always be a hotspot for pests and rodents. Access to crumbs on the floors and in the pantry as well as sticky countertops are all extremely inviting.
  • Mice can often find easy access into your attic or crawl space and can stay there unnoticed for quite some time.
  • Bathroom and utility closets offer great hiding spaces.
  • Under sinks or any area where pipes are exposed can offer a secluded water source and be a haven for rodents.
  • Areas of your home that are vulnerable such as air vents, or cracks in the walls, need to be checked out.

If you find more than 30 pellets of mice poop in an isolated area, you can bet you have a mice problem. Other signs of an infestation include hearing mice at night, discovering signs of gnawing on food packages or wires, or noticing a musty smell in your home.

But mice can also wreak havoc on unexpected parts of your home. They chew through door and window frames, cabinets, or even walls to gain

entry. Severe electrical issues can also be attributed to mice and should be addressed immediately for safety measures.

How to prevent a mouse infestation 

The best way to prevent a mouse infestation is to keep your home as clean as possible and take some preventative measures.

  • Store grain, pet food, seeds, and flour in glass or metal containers with tight-fitting lids.
  • Wipe down all kitchen surfaces and appliances regularly.
  • Make it a rule that all food stays in the kitchen area.
  • Seal or fill any cracks or holes in your garage and attic to prevent critters from easy access.
  • Put away all pet food at night.
  • Sweep or vacuum crumbs or bits of food daily from your kitchen or eating area.
  • Don’t allow trash to pile up and keep lids on garbage cans.
  • Clear clutter from closets, storage areas, and your garage.

How to deal with a mouse infestation 

Once you’ve seen the signs, it’s time to take action. Rodents multiply at an incredible rate so time is of the essence.

-Figure out how they are getting in 

Find where the mice are entering your home. Putting traps in random spots throughout your house isn’t going to do any good. Figure out where the mice are living and building nests and place traps accordingly.

-Set mouse traps 

Stick mouse traps along walls, behind trash cans, or near your refrigerator. There are a variety of mouse traps to choose from on the market. Live catch traps, sticky glue traps, electric shock traps, and your common snap traps are all available options.

-Call a professional pest control service 

If all else fails and you are sick and tired of mice running amuck, call in a professional exterminator for help.


It takes a real rodent removal expert to eliminate mice permanently and prevent future infestations. If you are ready to be rodent-free, call Vinx Pest Control. Our trained technicians will come out and assess your property to see just how much rodent exclusion it will take to make your home mouse-proof. Give us a call today for your free quote. We have locations in Dallas, Charleston, and Greenville. If you live in the Dallas area, we serve the entire area including Mesquite, Allen, and Rowlett.

