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Do Mosquito Hawks Eat Mosquitos?

Do Mosquito Hawks Eat Mosquitos?

Do Mosquito Hawks Eat Mosquitos?

There’s nothing worse than looking up from enjoying your patio to find some sort of giant mosquito headed your way. We’ve all been there. The first time I saw a mosquito hawk, I was ready to try out all the karate moves that I’ve only ever seen on TV. Then, my friend told me that those giant mosquitos are actually called mosquito hawks and that they eat mosquitos. But, as I learned more about them, I realized that my friend was wrong—they’re not the mosquito eaters I thought they were. Do mosquito hawks eat mosquitos? No, they don’t. 

If you have giant mosquitos around your house, there’s a good chance that you actually have mosquito hawks or crane flies. Though these bugs look like the mosquitos of your nightmares, they won’t cause those itchy, red bites we all know and hate. However, they also aren’t going to take control of the mosquitos in your yard. While it’d be nice if they ate them, mosquitos just aren’t a mosquito hawk’s idea of a delicious meal. So, let’s dispel some myths about what these mosquito hawks really do.

But first, if you’ve got a mosquito or mosquito hawk problem and need mosquito yard treatment, give us a call at 972-855-8469 or email us at You can also click here to get an accurate price quote for your mosquito treatment needs.

What Do Mosquito Hawks Eat?

Contrary to popular belief, you won’t find mosquito hawks munching on those mosquitos in your yard. These bugs don’t eat many bugs, if any, at all. The larvae of these bugs feed on things like grass seedling and other forage crops. When they grow up into the familiar giant-looking mosquitos, they feed on small amounts of nectar. Since they only live for a few days as adults, they sometimes don’t eat anything at all. Unfortunately, mosquito hawks are not a natural form of mosquito control.

The real problem with mosquito hawks is that their larvae feed on your grass and other plants. They can actually destroy the seedlings, roots, and stems, wreaking havoc on your hard. Whether you do your lawn care yourself or pay someone to do it for you, it’s not okay for it to be destroyed by mosquito hawk larvae. So, while you can count on these bugs staying far away from you and mosquitos, they can cause issues with your green lawn. If you’re sick of swatting mosquito hawks and don’t want to kiss your green grass goodbye, you’ll have to get rid of those bugs once and for all.

What Is a Mosquito Hawk?

A mosquito hawk is actually a crane fly. They may look eerily similar to mosquitos in your yard, but they aren’t even in the same family of bugs. Crane flies have long legs and skinny bodies, and at first glance look like mosquitos, but upon further notice, they are easy to tell apart. If you are seeing mosquito hawks that are adults, the reality is that you probably have an actual problem with the larvae in your yard.

See, while mosquito hawks may be harmless to you, they are not harmless to your plants. This includes your grass, and if you don’t kill off the larvae, your grass could suffer permanently. All mosquito hawks start off as larvae. These larvae may look like brown slugs crawling through your grass, but they are much more harmful to your garden. These bugs are out to eat the roots and stems of your plants, which causes the rest of the plant to not get enough nutrients, eventually causing it to die. While they may be harmless to you, they are not harmless to your property.

Do Mosquito Hawks Bite?

One of the biggest concerns that most people have is whether or not mosquito hawks bite. We get it—those things look pretty scary. Their giant bodies look like they can cause serious harm. Whether you’re looking out for your little ones or just worried about yourself, it’s a valid question. No one wants to get an itchy bug bite if it can be prevented! These crane flies may look similar to mosquitos, but you can count on them being as harmless as a fly. They can’t bite humans or animals, so your skin (and blood) is safe with mosquito hawks. 

Do Mosquitos Hawks Sting?

No, we’re not playing tricks on you. A bug sting is different than a bug bite! Of course, some bugs will bite people (like spiders) and other bugs sting (like bees). Both bites and stings are annoying, and they can be dangerous depending on the bug. Thankfully, mosquito hawks don’t do either of these things. They really are harmless, but they’re annoying. Regardless of whether or not the bugs can sting, they still fly around you and land on your body, which is gross. It’s best to get rid of them.

What Do Mosquito Hawks Look Like?

The real question we know you’re waiting for is what these strange bugs look like. If you’re on the mission to get rid of those mosquito hawks, you have to know what you will see. Imagine a mosquito, but ten times bigger. We’re kidding, but there are a few similarities that can help you identify whether you’re looking at a mosquito or the frustrating mosquito hawk. 

First things first, mosquitos are pretty small. They are about the size of a dime with their legs and wings extended, which makes them hard to see at times. Most times, mosquitos are out during dawn and dusk, so they like the low light. 

On the other hand, mosquito hawks are quite large. Unlike their vampire lookalikes, they don’t mind the blaring sun and daylight. In fact, they sometimes prefer it. Plus, mosquito hawks are big. You can count on them being the size of a quarter with their legs and wings. Mosquito hawks also lack a mosquito’s proboscis, which is their mouth with six tiny needles to suck your blood. Here are the telltale signs you’re dealing with a mosquito hawk:

  • Color: While mosquitos are mostly brown, gray or black, mosquito hawks are black, red, or yellow. If you’re on the lookout for their larvae, they are usually underground. If they come up from out of the dirt, you may mistake them for a worm or a slug. They are a brown color. When a mosquito hawk deposits its eggs into the ground, you will see eggs that are dark brown or black. They are much longer than other insect eggs, but they are still rounded.
  • Size: Mosquito hawks have long legs and are about the size of a quarter give or take depending on whether they are male or female. Sometimes, they can reach up to 2.5 inches in their wingspan.
  • Wings: A mosquito hawk’s wings are mostly transparent with a brownish-yellow coloring to them.
  • Stinger: Mosquito hawks do not have stingers, but some people mistake a female mosquito hawk’s back as a stinger. Thankfully, this is just where they hold eggs.
  • Area: You will find mosquito hawks in areas rich with wetland, so they are very popular around Dallas—especially if you are near a lake.
  • Activity: You’ll notice that the mosquito hawks are most annoying and active when it is late winter or early spring. That’s when the mosquito hawk adults are most active, and you’ll often find them hanging around your windows.

How To Get Rid of Mosquito Hawks

Now, we’re all wondering the same thing—how can we get rid of these pesky bugs? Sure, they might be harmless to you, but they are still annoying and hurt your lawn. No one wants to deal with swatting mosquito hawks out of their face all day long. Not to mention, if you love your yard, you may have to kiss it goodbye if you can’t get rid of these bugs. While they only live as adults for a few days, their larvae are around for months, and they are in that form eating up all of your grass. The larvae can survive for over a year if they are allowed to. 

That’s why it’s imperative to get rid of these mosquito hawks as quickly as you can. Thankfully, there are a couple of solutions that you can try.

Get Rid of Standing Water

One thing that mosquito hawks love is moisture. That’s why you often find them in the Dallas area—they are especially prominent in areas that have a lot of humidity. And while you won’t be able to get rid of the humidity in Dallas, you can prevent standing water and try and prevent your yard from being too moist. 

Lots of people have broken sprinklers or areas with poor drainage. No one has a perfect yard, so it’s understandable that there may be some trouble spots in your area. However, the more you can get rid of these trouble spots, the better. Fix the areas that are not draining properly. This may require releveling the yard with more dirt or fixing your drainage system that is currently in place. 

Another thing to check on is your sprinkler system. If your sprinklers are constantly going off, this can actually help the larvae grow. You want to stop watering once the eggs are laid until the first larva develops. This can be a few days.

Introduce Natural Predators

Another thing that can help to get rid of the mosquito hawk larvae is if you introduce natural predators. Natural predators will eat the larvae, which will stop the destruction of your lawn and prevent the adult crane flies from ever bothering you. 

Some of their natural predators are birds and skunks. Since we’ll assume you don’t want to be attracting skunks into your yard, let’s talk about bringing more birds in. Birds can help you get rid of a lot of bugs, including mosquito hawks. To try and bring more birds into your yard, there are a few things that you can do. 

First, you’ll want to install some bird baths. This is where birds will cool off and drink, and it’s a nice place to rest for the birds. However, you need to make sure to change the water often, otherwise, this will attract mosquitos and other bugs. Another thing you need to do is install a bird feeder. If you put bird food in the feeder, it will attract birds to come into your yard. While they will eat that food, the birds will also look for other bugs to eat. Birds love mosquito hawk larvae, so it is a good way to lower the number of larvae in your yard. Some people also like to build birdhouses or other nesting sites for the birds to live. If the birds are living in your yard, they’re much more likely to want a snack and eat the larvae in your yard.

While this can be a passive way to get rid of mosquito hawks, it can take a while for the population to decrease. It’s always important to introduce natural predators like birds into the yard, but it is especially helpful when combined with a fast-acting treatment with a pesticide or insecticide. 

Get A Pest Control Treatment

If you’re still seeing mosquito hawks around your home and in your yard, it’s time to get a pest control treatment. Applying a pesticide will kill off the mosquito hawk larvae. These products can be applied in granular form, which is a sand-like product that will kill larvae but not your grass, or a liquid form that can be sprayed. 

The good news is that this pesticide will get rid of mosquito hawks in addition to other bugs. So, if you’re dealing with mosquitos as well, a mosquito yard treatment can get rid of your mosquito hawk larvae too. Many companies offer a mosquito lawn treatment, and if you’re in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Charleston, or Greenville, SC areas, we’re happy to do it for you. One of our specialties at Vinx is getting rid of mosquito hawks. Whether you’re dealing with the adults or you’ve spotted larvae in your yard, our pest control treatments can get rid of it all. 

We stand behind our work and will work with you to get rid of these pests once and for all. With years of experience dealing with these pesky mosquito hawks, we have the expertise to get the job done. Get a free quote today by filling out the form below, giving us a call or clicking here to get a quote

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

June 13, 2019 Vinx Pest Control Bed bugs
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

If you’ve been “itchy” for a few days but aren’t quite sure of the root cause, bed bugs might be to blame. I wrote this post to help you learn how to get rid of bed bugs yourself. But, if you can’t do it yourself and you live in the Dallas – Fort Worth area, we’d love to do it for you. You can get a free quote on our bed bug extermination service here. As bed bug extermination is one of our specialties, we’ve got plenty of experience ridding homes of bed bugs. But, if you want to get rid of them yourself here are a few DIY methods: you can get rid of them by vacuuming, washing your infected items in the washer with hot water, and for items that can’t be thrown in the washer, you can steam clean them. You can also spray rubbing alcohol where you think they area. 

These hitchhiking nuisance creatures find their way into homes and businesses through all kinds of interesting avenues. From luggage to clothing and even used furniture goods, bed bugs take advantage of every opportunity to penetrate your home and take up residence there. Bed bugs have the ability to make their bodies quite thin, allowing them the advantage of fitting inside tight spaces. This makes them difficult for a home or business owner to detect.

As an insect that thrives in a pack environment, bed bugs most commonly like to congregate in spaces such as mattresses, bedroom furniture, and even bed springs where they have the easiest accessibility to a food source while their victims sleep soundly in the comfort of their beds. If you think you just might be the proud owner of a bed bug infestation, here’s how to get rid of bed bugs. 

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs: What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

When learning how to get rid of bed bugs, you have to determine what these crawling creatures look like. Bed bugs are small in size and oval in shape. In color, the hungry bed bug is one of various shades of brown. Once fully mature, adult bed bugs possess a flat outer shell that is similar in size to the seeds found within fruits such as pears or apples. After feasting on their favorite meal of blood sourced from humans or animals, the bodies of bed bugs swell from the accumulated fluids and take on a reddish hue.

Bed bugs are nocturnal creatures, preferring to hide in crevices or soft spaces during daylight hours. Their presence is most often detected when family members develop an itch or rash of undetermined origin for which they are unable to find relief.

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Bed bugs migrate into homes via items that are brought in from outside the residence. Many of them appear innocuously on things purchased at flea markets, consignment shops, or thrift stores, or are carried in on clothing, shoes, or luggage. Once inside a home, bed bugs have the ability to move quite quickly to a more permanent housing situation that is closer to a food source.

Born with the capability to traverse ceilings, floors, walls, and more, bed bugs have no difficulty getting around largely unnoticed. Since these stealthy creatures move at a rapid pace, they are very difficult to detect when in motion and on the rare occasion they are spotted are often mistaken for common harmless household bugs.

Once firmly entrenched in a home, bed bugs easily multiply. Each female possesses the ability to lay several hundreds of eggs during her lifetime. These eggs are so microscopic in size that they appear as only a particle of dust to the naked eye. Each tiny egg will reach maturity in approximately one month and will begin its own reproductive cycle which will yield more bed bug nymphs up to three times yearly. Armed with this knowledge, it is not difficult to see why these bugs are so difficult to get rid of once inside a home or office.

What are Some Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

If you think you may have bed bugs in your home, it is only natural that it will be your top priority to get rid of them. Though many people do opt to hire a professional pest control company to make their bed bug woes go away, there are some home remedies you can attempt to restore your home to its former bed bug-free existence.

Among the top home remedies are:

  • Vacuuming

A vacuum with an excellent sucking mechanism is an excellent means to remove bed bugs from your mattresses, headboard, or bed frame. For best results, be sure to thoroughly vacuum all furniture that could harbor bed bugs every few days. If your vacuum contains a bag, dispose of it immediately to prevent recontamination of your home.

  • Thorough laundering of clothing, towels, and bedding

Hot water and the heat from your dryer are your allies in the war against bed bugs. Carefully read the labels of all towels, clothing, and bedding prior to laundering these items to ensure it is safe to wash them at such high temperatures. Laundering fabrics on high heat settings are an effective means to kill bed bug gatherings.

  • Steam cleaning

Unfortunately, not everything in your home can be tossed into your washer. That’s where a steam cleaner comes in handy. Bed bugs and their eggs cannot survive heat in excess of 140 degrees F, making the steam mop an ideal means to eliminate colonies in hard to reach places.

  • Perfumed dryer sheets

Though fragrant dryer sheets will not kill bed bugs, they are an excellent means for keeping them at bay. The perfume in the sheets will send bed bugs scurrying to find a new home. This method is a great way to drive bed bugs to a new locale but is ineffective for completely eradicating them from your home.

  • Spritzing rubbing alcohol in suspected gathering places

Bed bugs hate rubbing alcohol as it kills them within minutes of coming in contact with the substance. For the greatest efficacy, fill a spray bottle with undiluted rubbing alcohol and spritz any affected areas with it. Your bed bug problem will be speedily resolved if you are able to source all of the insects’ favorite gathering spots in your home.

  • Essential oils

There are a number of different essential oils which are natural repellents for many different insects. Among the most popular oils with known bed bug repelling qualities are peppermint, thyme, lavender, tea tree, lemongrass, and clove.

  • Cayenne pepper

Due to its natural heat-giving properties, cayenne pepper is a natural when it comes to eliminating bed bugs. However, when combined with powerful natural herbs and spices such as oregano and ginger, cayenne pepper packs a powerhouse punch that kills bed bugs within seconds of them coming in contact with it.

To make your own cayenne pepper bed bug remedy, simply mix cayenne pepper, ground ginger, and oregano oil in equal parts. Strain the mixture to remove any lumps and sift into a spray bottle. Add water and shake well to mix. Generously spray all affected areas. All resident bed bugs should be eliminated on contact.

  • Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth has gained a reputation as a miracle product. Its effects include the elimination of all types of insects including fleas and ticks.

Diatomaceous earth is formed when rock is ground to create a sandy substance. Its recommended use is as a powder that is sprinkled in crevices and areas where bed bugs might find refuge within a home. Diatomaceous earth is not a quick fix, but it is highly effective. Maximum results may take up to ten days.

It is not recommended for use on mattresses or other furniture as the powder contains tiny particles of rock which can be inhaled, causing damage to your lungs. For best results, keep diatomaceous earth to areas that can easily be vacuumed up when its purpose has been achieved.

  • Baking soda

Baking soda functions in a similar fashion to applying salt to a slug. Baking soda is not only an agent that absorbs unpleasant odors; it also removes excess moisture from damp or humid environments. Since bed bugs possess moist bodies, a simple sprinkling of baking soda in known areas of infestations will dehydrate the insects, causing death.

This method requires vacuuming and reapplication for several days to ensure the problem has been properly eliminated.

How Big Are Bed Bugs?

One of the things that makes a bed bug problem so difficult to determine is their size. Bed bugs are extremely small. Their eggs are so tiny that they resemble a speck of dust, making it nearly impossible for a homeowner to detect. Once a bed bug reaches the adult stage, it is still only the size of an apple seed. Since bed bugs like to make themselves scarce during daylight hours, they are even more difficult to find since they prefer to be active only at night when their food source is in a deep slumber. Between their size and their habits, it can be very challenging for a home or business owner to come to the conclusion that it is a bed bug infestation that is making them itchy!

Can You See Bed Bugs?

Though it is possible to see bed bugs, most people do not recognize them even if they were to see one in the light of day. Bed bugs are very small and resemble common household things such as dust, dirt, or small pieces of sand, rock, or gravel. This built-in type of camouflage is part of the bed bugs’ greatest defense strategy as it keeps the insects shielded from being exposed and eliminated in the environment they select as their home.

Do Bed Bugs Fly?

Since bed bugs do not possess wings, they are not capable of flight. This does not, however, mean that these wing-less creatures don’t know how to get around. Bed bugs are able to travel great distances at a rapid pace. Though flight is not one of their skills, they are able to climb walls, ceilings, floors, and furniture to reach new heights in your home.

Do Bed Bugs Jump?

Not only do bed bugs not fly, but they also lack the ability to jump. Their mobility comes primarily from crawling from space to space. Since bed bugs are born with six legs, they are able to move around very quickly. Though they lack the ability to jump, they can crawl from host to host almost completely unnoticed, making it easy for bed bugs to travel from person to person or from one object to another for transport out of your home and into another locale via their human or inanimate object transportation system.

What is the Difference Between Bed Bug Bites and Mosquito Bites?

Both bed bug bites and mosquito bites are the banes of most homeowners’ existences. These nuisance critters both definitely like to leave their “mark” on the people they prey on for their nutrition.

Both bed bugs and mosquitoes subsist on the blood of humans or animals with both also preferring to feast on human blood whenever possible. Yet, these blood-sucking insects affect people in distinctly different ways.

Here is a comparison of bed bug bites vs mosquito bites:

Bed bugs:

  • Primarily bite people during their sleep
  • Nourish themselves by piercing the skin of their victims and absorbing blood through a long beak
  • Feeding is accomplished in three to ten minutes
  • Pain-free bites
  • Symptoms of a bed bite infestation include itchiness and red skin welts
  • Will bite any area of the body that is left exposed
  • Leave behind feces and eggs in mattress crevices
  • Bites appear in a systematic pattern such as a row or line
  • Will crawl under bedding and clothing to find a food source
  • Bites are not immediately apparent


  • Prefer warm, damp, and humid environments
  • Bite in random areas on exposed patches of skin
  • Will not bite through clothing
  • Begin to itch immediately after a bite
  • Appear as raised white bumps with a red surrounding boundary
  • Resolve within a few days
  • Will bite sleeping or awake hosts
  • Feeding is nearly instantaneous

Conclusion: How to get rid of bed bugs

When going the “how to get rid of bed bugs” DIY route, you first need to determine if you actually have them. If you do, try vacuuming out the infected area, washing your sheets, towels, and any other potentially infected item. You can also steam clean the area or spray rubbing alcohol on it. 

If you think you’ve got a bed bug problem at your home or business, chances are you’re not alone. Since bed bugs are frequent travelers, it’s likely your neighborhood may be full of them. And if one of your neighbors has them, there’s a good chance you have or could have them as well. 

Many people worry that a bed bug infestation means their home is not clean. But bed bugs do not feast on dirt, their nutrition comes from a live blood source, preferably human but an animal host will also do. This means they are equally as amenable to living in a clean environment as a dirty one.

If you live in the Dallas area and can’t get rid of the bed bug infestation yourself, give us a call or fill out the form below to get a free quick quote. 

Lastly, do you have any questions or suggestions on how to get rid of bed bugs? If so, we want to hear them! Please comment below and we’ll answer your questions.