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How To Get Rid Of Dead Rodent Smell

How To Get Rid Of Dead Rodent Smell

April 15, 2023 Rodents

You probably know how unpleasant the smell of a dead rodent can be if you have ever had a rodent infestation in your home or place of business. The odor may take several months or weeks to dissipate completely, making it difficult to relax in your home. This article will provide some pointers and suggestions […]

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How to Control Rodent Infestation

How to Control Rodent Infestation

September 07, 2022 Rodents

Rodents are survival experts, which is why they can live in any type of environment even though their environment is changing. They are well-known pests in our houses. Rodent control measures are necessary to prevent the severe and deadly effects they can cause. Vinx Pest Control provides everything you need for rodent treatment and getting […]

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How To Eliminate Rodent From Your Home

How To Eliminate Rodent From Your Home

August 10, 2022 Rodents

Rodents often enter houses searching for a more favorable climate, food, or shelter. They may quickly multiply and transmit harmful bacteria and viruses. They may chew through cables, books, toys, and open cabinets and contaminate food by nibbling on plastic bags and containers. Rats poop and pee carry germs and viruses, so cleaning up after […]

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Rat vs. Mouse – What Makes Them Different!

Rat vs. Mouse – What Makes Them Different!

June 15, 2022 Rodents

Many people believe that the distinctions between mice and rats are evident; however, some of the differences may be more subtle than you realize. Of course, they both belong to the rodent family and may wreak severe damage if they get into your home, but if you had both, would you be able to tell […]

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How To Clean Up Home After A Rodent Infestation

How To Clean Up Home After A Rodent Infestation

April 07, 2022 Rodents

The collection of mouse droppings, nesting materials, and urine is best handled by a pest control company, which uses equipment, materials, and protective clothing designed specifically to remove and clean up mouse detritus. If you’ve just had or are intending to have rodent control in Greenville SC homes, here are useful tips on how to […]

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How to Get Rid of Squirrels

How to Get Rid of Squirrels

June 08, 2021 Rodents

Squirrels are such cute critters with their fluffy tails and acorns. It’s fun to watch them scurry across the road and up a tree or wiggle their little noses while they eat. But left unchecked, squirrels can do an immense amount of damage not only to your yard but also to your attic and eaves. […]

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How to Catch A Rat

How to Catch A Rat

September 13, 2019 blog

If you’re currently hearing the shuffle of small feet and wondering how to catch a rat, we’ve been there. Having rats in your home is uncomfortable because you know how disease-ridden they are! There are tons of DIY solutions to catch a rat, but the most effective ways to catch them are traps, bait, and […]

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How To Get Rid of Rats in the House – The Ultimate Guide

How To Get Rid of Rats in the House – The Ultimate Guide

July 25, 2019 Rodents

We’re always being asked how to get rid of rats in the house in Dallas–Fort Worth, so we decided to put together the ultimate guide. If you decide you’d like to hire a pest control company for your rat removal needs, you can click here to get a free and accurate price quote. You can […]

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